Wafi Saida

About the Instructor:

I’m Wafi Saida

A certified Canadian Heart and Stroke instructor for the:

  • Basic life support (BLS)
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  • Pediatric Life Support (PALS)
  • And Standard First Aid(SFA)

I’m an International Medical Graduate (IMG)
I’m a former Doctor and a Specialist in Emergency Medicine.
I worked abroad for 11 years in the Emergency Department and Resuscitation Room.

Despite its importance, many people lack CPR training and certification.
Those who have it may not always act. You can’t rely on others. You must be able to perform CPR yourself.

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According to statistics, more than 475,000 North Americans suffer fatal heart attacks each year. Roughly 90 percent of those occurring outside a hospital are fatal.
However, the survival rate increases dramatically if patients receive CPR. Unfortunately, many people lack CPR training.
CPR is a proven, life-saving technique. It involves chest compressions to maintain blood circulation to the brain and other vital organs.
You can combine this with ventilations to ensure blood is adequately oxygenated.
If you lack CPR training or your CPR certification has lapsed, you need to get or renew that training now. Here are some reasons why.


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You can save lives

Cardiac arrest affects people of all ages regardless of health. There is a good chance you may need to perform CPR to save a life. Over 80 percent of cardiac arrests occur at home. The person whose life you save could be a loved one or a close friend.
Despite its importance, many people lack CPR training and certification. Those who have it may not always act. You can’t rely on others. You must be able to perform CPR yourself.

Proper Training is Vital

Without thorough and effective training, you may not know how to perform CPR correctly. Incorrect CPR can have adverse consequences. For example, giving CPR to someone who doesn’t need it can cause serious injury. Proper training gives you the confidence to act and reduces your chance of causing harm.

Time is Critical

It may take several minutes after calling 9-1-1 for EMS to arrive. Each minute matters in cardiac arrest. Vital organs can only survive without adequate oxygen for approximately five minutes. This time begins as soon as the patient arrests.
Chest compressions and ventilations can buy valuable minutes. This time can make the difference between life and death.

You may need it for work

Many jobs require CPR certification. Examples include child care, health care, law enforcement and firefighting. Many companies and organizations want staff members to have this training, even if there is no exceptional need.

While cardiac arrest can happen anywhere, some environments pose a greater risk or need. For example:

A child care provider may be the only adult capable of providing CPR to one of many children present. A lifeguard may be the only person present who can perform CPR on a drowning victim. Even when CPR training is not a job requirement, having it just makes sense.

Convenience and Affordability

CPR training is both convenient and affordable. Most classes are of a minimal cost and require just a few hours to complete. First Response Training courses can combine eLearning with hands-on practice.
AED Training
Automatic electronic defibrillators can re-establish a regular, rhythmic heartbeat in cardiac patients. AEDs are available in many public places such as schools, shopping malls and airports. Knowing how to use AEDs correctly is essential for the best outcome.
Some of this reference material has been taken from First Response Training International
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